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​4 Main Health Benefits of EPA | MRI Performance

​4 Main Health Benefits of EPA | MRI Performance

Posted by Medical Research Institute on 11th Nov 2022

The benefits of EPA supplements are impressive. EPA is a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is found in cold-water fish, and it has been shown to positively affect cardiovascular disease risk factors, symptoms of depression, menopause, and rheumatoid arthritis. EPA supplements are an excellent way to get omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, and they have the potential to improve your health in a number of ways. If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health, EPA supplements are definitely worth considering.

What is EPA?

EPA is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that acts as a metabolic precursor to important lipids (fats) known as prostaglandins. Prostaglandins control critical processes such as inflammation, blood flow, and blood clot formation. EPA can be found in cold-water fatty fish and seafood. EPA supplements are a great way to increase your intake of this important nutrient. Research has shown that EPA supplements can provide several health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving heart health, and supporting cognitive function.

Lowers Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

We all know that fish is good for our hearts. But did you know that the EPA in fish oil supplements can actually help lower several important cardiovascular risk factors? That's right - according to studies, EPA can help reduce arterial calcification, high blood pressure, and elevated triglycerides.

So how does EPA specifically help lower cardiovascular risk factors? Preliminary animal research suggests that EPA helps prevent the buildup of calcium deposits in arteries - which can narrow arteries and reduce blood flow. Clinical studies have also shown that a daily dose of EPA can decrease systolic blood pressure by up to 8.7%. And perhaps most impressively, EPA has been shown to lower triglycerides - a type of fat found in the blood that is directly linked to the food we eat. Triglyceride levels tend to rise when we eat a lot of saturated fat or sugar, so by reducing triglycerides, EPA can help keep our hearts healthy.

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Reduces Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a major problem worldwide, and rates are particularly high in developed countries. Diet may play a role in depression, and there is growing evidence that fish consumption can help to reduce symptoms. Studies suggest that the mood-boosting effects of fish may be attributable to EPA, not DHA. In one meta-analysis of 28 clinical trials, it was suggested that EPA could be more efficacious than DHA in treating depression. Another meta-analysis of 15 randomized trials concluded that fish oil supplements containing at least 60% EPA could effectively reduce symptoms of primary depression. These studies suggest that increasing fish consumption or taking fish oil supplements may help to reduce the incidence of depression.

Eases Symptoms of Menopause

EPA's ability to reduce the frequency of hot flashes is its real value. Hot flashes and night sweats affect up to 75% of all women during perimenopause. They come on suddenly and can last for up to 10 minutes, affecting a woman’s quality of life. In one eight-week clinical trial published in the journal Menopause found that while EPA didn’t impact the intensity, it reduced the average number of hot flashes from 2.8 per day to just 1.58 per day. This is a significant finding because it shows that EPA can help women manage the hot flashes that can occur during menopause, improving their quality of life.

Slows The Progression of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects the joints. Over time, it can lead to joint deformity. There is no cure for RA, but adopting an anti-inflammatory lifestyle may help reduce symptoms and slow the progression of the disease. Animal research in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy found that EPA, combined with DHA, reduces several markers of inflammation, including interleukin 17A (IL-17A), IL-1ß, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor.


EPA supplements have been gaining popularity lately as more and more research emerges about the benefits of EPA. EPA is an omega-3 fatty acid that is predominantly found in cold-water fish. EPA has been shown to positively affect symptoms of menopause, depression, and rheumatoid arthritis, and reduce the risks associated with cardiovascular disease. Fish oil supplements are a great way to get EPA into your diet.

If you're looking for a way to improve your heart health, consider adding a fish oil supplement with EPA to your diet, consider MRI Omega-3 tablets. It just might help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease!